Cambelts & Timing Belts

The cambelt (aka the timing belt) is responsible for turning the camshaft at the correct speed to make the valves in the engine cylinders open at the right time.

The cambelt works hard and eventually will wear out and require replacing. Different manufacturers recommend different intervals for replacing the cambelt – you can find this information in your service manual but if you’re not sure, get in touch with the team at CB Auto Service who will be able to help and advise.

It’s really important not to leave it too long between replacements because if they are left to wear out completely, they can crack, tear, or snap, causing expensive damage to your car. Bring your car into CB Auto Service in Kirkcaldy for a cambelt check.

What do we do?
At CB Auto Service, we will strip down the necessary parts of your car’s engine, replace the cambelt if needed, and adjust the cambelt tensioner. Once we’ve reassembled the engine, we’ll test drive your car to make sure it’s running as it should.

VAG Cambelts & Water Pumps

VAG engines often have cambelt-driven water pumps which can eventually break, causing various issues including engine overheating, head gasket failure or even severe engine damage. If your water pump is cambelt-driven, it’s best to get it changed at the same time as the cambelt. This is also a good time to flush your coolant system and replace the coolant with new VAG-approved G12 coolant to protect your engine.

VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda vehicles are generally recommended to have their cambelts changed roughly every 60,000-80,000 miles (or 4-5 years), but this will depend on the type of engine. You can look in your service manual for more information, or give CB Auto Service a call on 01592 261696 and we’ll be happy to advise.

CB Auto Service has been a Bosch Car Service Centre since 2012, providing vehicle servicing, maintenance, and repairs, for most makes and models of cars, vans, LCVs and electric vehicles. At CB Auto Service, we follow the strict codes of practice set out by Bosch, which guarantees our customers the highest levels of workmanship, customer service and affordable quality.

To find out more about Cambelts & Timing Belts in Kirkcaldy, contact us online or call us directly on 01592 261696

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CB Auto Service
Forth Avenue Industrial Estate
01592 261696

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Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday Closed
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